
For our last day of orientation we did a course on cultural adaption, specifically referring to the differences between Americans and Frenchies through the analogy of fruit. Obviously the French (namely Parisians) are stereotyped as rude and snobby, making many overly friendly Americans uneasy. For me, I don’t particularly have an issue with it as I prefer not to have long conversations with strangers on public transportation or in line at the boulangerie or things like that. But when one actually focuses on the reasons for the differences instead of just categorizing an entire people as rude or snobby or weird (or even smelly), it becomes easier to understand and appreciate the culture. The French, our teacher explained, are like coconuts; very hard (and hairy) on the outside, but once you break through their exterior they are sweet and milky on the inside. This personal identity can be traced back to childhood, as the French were raised very differently from Americans, who could be represented by peaches (soft, warm, and fuzzy on the outside but often have a hard interior pit).

Anywayyyyys, in other news I’m having an amazing time. Probably my favorite activity so far would be my experiences at Pont Neuf. It’s this little stone island jutting out from below the bridge (Pont Neuf means new bridge) along the river Seine. It has all these huge willow trees draping over the water and you are able to have picnics, play music, and drink wine all while sitting in this beautiful area, full of young people, with a gorgeous view of the glittering Eiffel Tower. Cannot think of anything better.